H.E Ambassador Amb. Joshua Gatimu, EBS held a meeting with the President of the Kashan Chamber of Commerce Mr. Mahmoud Tavallaei

H.E Ambassador Amb. Joshua Gatimu, EBS held a meeting with the President of the Kashan Chamber of Commerce Mr. Mahmoud Tavallaei

On 7th May, 2022- H.E Ambassador Amb. Joshua Gatimu, EBS and the Embassy officials held a meeting with the President of the Kashan Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture, Mr. Mahmoud Tavallaei at the chamber’s offices. Both leaders discussed on the available business opportunities in the city. The chamber’s President informed the Ambassador of the need to establish working relation with a city in Kenya for instance Mombasa and his desire to set up a commercial center in Mombasa. He also informed that besides business engagements, the city can cooperate with a city in Kenya in other areas for instance- Education and scholarships, exchange of ideas, field of production to mention a few. The Ambassador promised to follow up with the issues raised in the meeting after the conclusion of the Kenya’s general election.


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